garage door

How To Choose a Good Lubricant for Your Garage Door

Garage doors come in different shapes, sizes, and materials. All of them, however, share the need for maintenance, especially lubrication. Garage door lubrication is also called oiling or greasing. It involves the application of a lubricant on the active parts of a garage door. These are the hinges, rollers, and springs. These parts are the move up against one another each time you open or close the door.

This movement becomes less smooth due to friction and frequent use. So, when you apply a lubricant, it is easier to glide these parts over each other each time the door moves.

It is essential to mention that although lubricating is also called greasing or oiling, you will not be applying oil. So, for example, you should not use engine oil or cooking oil to lubricate your garage door.

Generally, oil goes a long way in reducing friction and helping stuck motor parts move along smoothly. However, garage doors do not require thick layers of lubrication. So, applying regular oil or grease may be counterproductive. This also applies to lubricants that are thick or runny.

Lubricants that are too thick will take a while to dry up. While it lasts on the surface of the metal or any part of the door, it could accumulate particles. These particles can clog the hinges or the rollers of your garage door. This will increase friction, make your door noisy, and may even corrode the metal. Thus, you will have more trouble getting your garage door to work. 

What Are the Types of Garage Door Lubricant?


Lubricants that are made for garage doors are often either silicone-based or lithium grease. Both of these options work great for both residential and commercial garage doors. So, how do you know the best one for your garage door?

Here is some further explanation of both types of garage door grease.


Silicone lubes are designed with more temperature and moisture resistance. This means that when the weather comes extremely hot or cold, it can still serve the purpose of lubricating your garage door. So, if the temperature in your area is harsh, a silicone lubricant is a good choice.

The texture of silicone lubricants is relatively light compared to lithium grease. As a result, it can quickly spread to areas hard to reach when cleaning or performing simple maintenance. For instance, it would be easier to spray on a silicone lube on your garage door spring than to apply it directly on the spring.

Lubricants in this category may not prevent friction as much as lithium grease lubricants. This is because the spray lets out a thin layer. Therefore, it will not be sufficient to ease over the moving parts of a door. However, the same thinness allows it to spread evenly, thus covering all the essential elements.

Unfortunately, this lubricant may not be suitable for doors that have rubber parts. The lube can soak into them and eat away at them or cause damage. If you opt for a silicone lubricant, you must be careful to spray as close to the metal as possible. Most cans come with nozzles that help users direct the lube in the needed corners.

Lithium grease

Lithium grease, or white lithium grease, is a durable product for reducing friction. This lubricant usually remains on the surface when applied. It serves as a coating that helps metal parts glide smoothly. So, that squeaky noise your garage door makes will stop.

Unlike silicone lubricants, white lithium grease can gradually wear off. Primarily if you use your garage entry often. This means that you may have to reapply the coating more often than apply a silicone-based lubricant. Despite this, white lithium grease is appropriate for heavy-duty or commercial garage doors or any doors with high traffic.

Sadly, it is not waterproof. Thus, it is not suitable for warmer climates. It would be better to use a silicone lubricant to preserve your garage door for as long as possible. It holds up well in cold weather and does not freeze. It is available in spray cans for easy use.

How To Choose the Correct Lubricant

These are things to consider when choosing a brand or type of lubricant.

1. Why Do You Need the Lubricant?

Lubricants serve quite many purposes. Some are:

●     To reduce friction and wear

Friction happens when metal pieces move too closely together. It often generates heat and noise. This is why garage doors make a grating or squeaky noise after a while. Once you apply lubricants, the friction will be reduced.

●     To protect the metal from rusting

Lubricants can absorb or transfer heat to metal. In this case, garage doors need lubes that can keep heat away from them. This is because heat (or moisture) and oxygen are often responsible for rust. When rust starts to appear, it damages the quality of a garage door.

Although most lubricants can reduce friction, not all of them can protect your garage door from rust or corrosion. So, you should look out for lubes that offer both options.


2. Check for Specifications

Often, garage door manufacturers specify or recommend specific lubricants to be used on the door. It may seem rather obvious, but most people over such recommendations. While you might be tempted to use the old lubricant that worked for your former garage doors, it’s not a great idea. Grease can cause damage to doors if misused.

For instance, some lubricants have harsh components. These are better suited for heavy-duty doors than residential garage doors. In addition, potent greases can eat through the rubber. If you decide to use a random lubricant, it could be potentially harmful to the lifespan of your garage door.

On the other hand, heavy-duty garage doors need an adequate level of lubrication to keep functioning. These are usually found in warehouses or commercial buildings. If you use substandard lubrication, it won’t do much to help the door.

Some lubricants also have labels that let you know if they will be suitable for particular garage doors or not.

Of course, you could consult a garage door specialist instead. They can recommend or suggest a good lubricant for you. This will save you time and the risk of any potential errors.

3. Ensure that it is multi-functional

Lubricants perform quite many functions. Now, you may find a lube that does one or more of these, while others are only capable of one. For instance, some lubes have anti-rust qualities. So, they can shield your garage entry from rust as well as keeping friction away.

It would benefit your garage door if you went with a lubricant that performs multiple tasks. This may, you can get several things covered while lubricating your door. If you use a waterproof lube, aids lubrication and prevents corrosion, your maintenance will be more effective. Your entry will remain durable and sturdy for a longer time.

4. Choose lubricants that are easy to use

Any lubricant you select must be easy to use. Otherwise, it may cause further problems. Most of the best lubes are sprays. Some of them come with smaller nozzles so that you can spray the lube directly without wasting any of it. Also, it will be easier to get it into the areas you cannot see correctly.

In addition, easy spray bottles prevent you from over spraying. So, the sprayed areas will dry out quickly without creating a mess on your garage door.

5. Temperature or weather

Silicone-based lubricants hold up better in warm weather than white lithium grease. So, if you live in an area where the temperature is harsh or hot, it would be better to buy a silicone-based lube. Choosing lithium grease means that you would have to reapply the grease often. It also means that you will be using more lubricant than is necessary.

So, before you choose a brand, compare your weather with the types of lubricants on the shelf. This will help you make a convenient and cost-efficient decision.

6. Is is affordable and available?

 No matter how effective it is, a lubricant is no good to you if it is unavailable or if you cannot afford it. However, suitable lubricants are not necessarily expensive. In fact, some brands offer spray lubricants for under ten dollars.

So, while you are shopping for a lubricant, don’t rush towards the high-end products.

Consider the temperature or weather

Silicone-based lubricants hold up better in warm weather than white lithium grease. So, if you live in an area where the temperature is harsh, it would be better to buy a silicone-based lube.

Choosing lithium grease means that you would have to reapply the grease often. It also means that you will be using more lubricant than is necessary.

So, before you choose a brand, compare your weather with the types of lubricants on the shelf. This will help you make a convenient and cost-efficient decision.


Whether iron or wooden, all garage doors need to have their moving parts lubricated from time to time. It is best to schedule routine checks with garage door specialists. You can also leave your yearly lubrication in their hands. At TBC Garage Doors, you will have experts ready to provide installations, repairs, or maintenance for your garage door. Contact them here.

Why Is My Garage Door Not Closing?

Common Garage Door Problems and Tips on Solving Them

Your garage door is probably the most functional part of your home and there’s no harm in knowing the common garage door problems and tips on solving them. Due to how many cycles it makes in a year, it is easily prone to various types of damage. In this article, discover different garage door issues and tips on fixing them.

Why Is My Garage Door Not Closing?

Why Is My Garage Door Not Closing?

Garage door no closing is one of the common garage door problems facing people recently. Having a garage door that refuses to close or open can be very frustrating. At times all you require is a simple fix, such as replacing the garage door opener batteries. Other times the cause is a much bigger problem that may require professional repair. A professional garage door expert should only perform problems such as garage door track altering or spring replacement.

Here are three simple ways to ensure your garage door closes properly:

1. Clear Out Any Clutter

Clutter or obstructions that can block the garage door sensor are the first problems to check if your garage door doesn’t close. Begin by checking your sensor lights. Depending on what brand of garage door you own, you might notice your sensor lights dim, flash or go out completely when their beam is interrupted.

Even when nothing seems to be in the way, give your sensor the eyes a proper cleaning, and sometimes debris, dirt, or even small insects such as spiders can make themselves at home and interrupt the beam. This will stop the door from opening.

If your garage door still doesn’t shut after these, double-check and ensure that all sensors are properly aligned with each other. If they are not properly aligned, bend them gently to restore a clear connection. This will help you secure a clean escape from your garage.

2. Clear The Tracks

To get your garage door to close again, you might want to pay attention to your garage door rollers and tracks. When you do not maintain your garage door track properly can cause the components to malfunction.

Begin by cleaning metal rollers with a toothbrush to remove any grime; then, we’ll beat them with a product such as motor oil or any known silicone-based products. If your door rollers are made of nylon, only lubricate the bearings. Next, takes a cloth and some brand oil and wipe the tracks clean, removing any buildup that may prevent the door from closing properly.

If this still doesn’t work, contact a garage door expert before carrying out any extensive DIY repairs.

3. Take a Look at Your Limits

After looking at your garage door sensor eyes and alignment, if your garage door still doesn’t close properly, the limits might be the problem. These settings, which are also referred to as traveling limits, alert your garage door opener how far they should travel before closing fully. This prevents the door from crushing objects that are in its path.

If your garage door limit switch settings are too high, the garage door senses the floor as an obstruction. This will cause the door to open again immediately after closing. However, this can easily be remedied with a few measurements and a screwdriver.

Consult the website of your door manufacturer or the instruction manual so that you can learn how to adjust your garage door limit switch.

How do I know if I Need a New Garage Door Opener?

For your garage door to function effectively, you need a properly working garage door opener. However, like all mechanical devices, your garage door opener cannot last forever. Your opener also does have the ability to update itself and keep up with technological advancement.

To keep your garage door functioning smoothly, you should replace your garage door opener regularly. Here are a few ways to know if you need a new garage door opener:

Failure to Close or Open

Although many parts of your garage door might cause your garage door not to open, your door opener is the problem most times. If you push your opener remote and hear the garage door motor try to open or close without actually moving, the opener is the problem. Try simple fixes such as changing the batteries or replacing the remote before you change the door opener.

Your Garage Door Opens Slowly

If you notice that your garage door is taking longer to close and open then it did in the beginning, you should check your garage door opener. Slow opening doors may be a sign that the door opener is having a bit of trouble lifting the door’s weight and needs a replacement.

Outdated Technology

Certain features such as ultra-quiet operation, outdoor keypads, backup batteries and even remote operation can make your door opener a lot more efficient. If your opener is technologically lacking, it’s time for an upgrade.

Loud Noises

As your garage door opener gets older, the motor in your opener will find it more difficult to pull the garage door open. Once you notice the opener is making more noise than usual, consult a professional.


At times, you might notice your garage door opener stop working randomly. These random pauses can be inconvenient and cause the opener to overheat. Once you notice random breaks in operation, it’s time to replace your garage door.

How Often Should You Replace Your Garage Door?

It is very easy for you to forget about your garage door until it starts to malfunction. Ideally, you should replace all the components of your garage door at the same time.

However, garage door springs should be replaced most frequently as they last only about five years. The garage door itself can last 10 to 20 years. Your garage door opener, with regular maintenance, should last about 15 to 20 years.

Common Garage Door Issues and How To Fix Them

Common Garage Door Issues and How To Fix Them

Due to how many cycles your garage door endures daily, annual maintenance and garage door repairs are common. There are a few garage door issues you can identify and rectify yourself. These include:

Loud Grinding Noises

Squeaky sections, loose hardware and shabby parts are annoyances that have simple solutions. Generally, tackle any unusual sounds with lubricant. Apply enough lubricant directly on the squeaky parts of the garage door.

Non-functional Garage Door Opener

If your drive screw or chain operated garage door won’t function properly, all you need is some lubricant to reduce friction. Work a generous amount of garage door spray lube or silicone-based lube to the full length of the garage door opener.

Worn or Broken Weather Sealant

Your weather sealant is put in place to prevent air leaks and keep water out. It also helps to reduce street noise. If you notice wear on your sealant, you should replace it immediately.

Gaps or Cracks

These are pretty common, especially for garage doors made from wood. To prevent the cracks from worsening, use a sealant or a waterproof filler to seal the cracks.

Broken Garage Door Remote

This is one of the most common issues of garage doors. You should begin by checking that the batteries are not dead. If the batteries are not the issue, refer to the usual manual and follow the steps to reprogram your remote. If this still doest work, you might consider getting a replacement remote.

Your Garage Door Does Not Seal To The Bottom

If you notice this, make use of pipe insulation. The insulation should be secured to the portion of the door that does not seal properly.

Garage Door Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance might be all your garage door needs to close properly. Here are a few garage door Toronto maintenance tips that can help you resolve common garage door problems:

Test Your Garage Door Balance

If you have a garage door that is not properly balanced, it will cause your garage door opener to work twice as hard. This will lead to wear and tear, preventing it from lasting long.

Pay Attention To Your Garage Door

The best maintenance tip for your garage door is to observe it whenever it is at work. Take note of how much noise it makes when it opens. How smoothly does the garage door open? Look at the pulleys, springs and cables and ensure that they look symmetrical.

Check For Loose Hardware

Your garage door moves up and down several thousand times a year. This motion causes a lot of vibration and movement, which can cause the hardware to become loose. Use a socket wrench to tighten all bolts and roller brackets.

Replace Your Weatherstripping

Carefully observe the rubber seal strip located at the bottom of your door. If it is cracked or brittle, immediately replace the weatherstripping to keep out weather elements, insects or even small animals.

Clean Your Garage Door Tracks

Ensure that the garage door tracks on both sides are debris free. You can also use a level to check your plumb. However, it is best to leave any major adjustments to professional garage door technicians.

Check Your Rollers

Whether you have nylon or steel rollers, you should inspect them at least twice a year. You should also replace them every seven years, and if your garage door is heavy-duty, more frequently.

Lubricate Your Garage Door Parts

When your garage door is properly lubricated, it will aid seamless operation. Make use of white lithium grease on the stress and chains. The overhead springs should be coated with a spray lubricant.

Check Your Garage Door Cables

While it is not advisable to tamper with the high tension cables responsible for lifting your door, you should inspect them. Observe their condition and call a pro if you notice damage near the bottom roller bracket. You should also check for broken strands.


When you have a garage door expert, resolving Common Garage Door problems becomes easy. If you need professional assistance for your garage door Toronto, you can contact TCB Garage Doors. We are a reputable company specializing in garage door maintenance near me, door opener maintenance, torsion spring maintenance, etc.

Some of our services include garage door framing, garage door spring installation, garage door opener belt installation/repair, among many others. All our technicians are insured and licensed. We also offer affordable pricing with a 90-day guarantee. We offer emergency services and are available 24/7.

Steps to take before lubricating your garage door

Garage Door Lubrication: What Parts of a Garage Door Needs Lubrication?

Garage door lubrication is an important garage door maintenance strategy. Does your garage door make noise when you open it? Getting home after a long day at work instantly reduces your stress level but the thought of having to deal with your noisy garage door can be frustrating. The groaning, banging and screeching noise from your garage door is capable of inducing further stress to you.

The above scenario is common for individuals who have had to live with the noise from their garage doors because they feel they have no other option. Of course there is a way out. your garage door requires lubrication. Once this is done, you will no longer hear the screeching noise from your garage door.

What Parts Should Be Considered for Garage Door Lubrication?

There are specific parts of a garage door that should be lubricated to allow for a seamless usage. However, you have to ensure that each of these garage door parts are well cleaned before lubrication. The essence of this is to remove debris and dust so that the lubricant can be evenly applied around the parts. You should also get a cloth ready to wipe off spills or drips during garage door lubrication.

The following parts should be considered when carrying out garage door lubrication:

1. Hinges

Hinges are parts of a garage door that have pivot points to enhance the opening and closing of your garage doors. Ensure that you lubricate only metal garage door hinges. Plastic garage door hinges do not require lubrication because garage door lubricants may cause them to decompose faster.

2. Rollers

Metal rollers allow the free movement of your garage door on the garage door tracks. Do not lubricate garage door rollers if the rollers contain rollers. It is advisable to lubricate only metal roller parts to avoid the decomposition of the rollers.

3. Springs

Your garage door torsion springs control the opening and closing of garage doors. it is therefore critical that you lubricate them. Ensure that the torsion springs are adequately lubricated to ensure that they remain highly efficient. Lubricating your garage door tension springs prevents unnecessary garage door repairs and increases the lifespan of your garage door.

4. Tracks

Your garage door tracks are essential parts that determine the effective movement of your garage door. Garage door tracks should be clean to remove any build-up of dirt. Cleaning your garage door tracks is a critical garage door maintenance strategy prior to lubrication.

5. Locks

Your garage door locks may make it difficult for the keys to work properly, hence it should be lubricated frequently. When carrying out garage door lubrication on locks, ensure that the lubrication is placed in the tumbler and other moving parts.

Steps to Take Before Carrying Out Garage Door Lubrication

Steps to take before lubricating your garage door
Steps to take before lubricating your garage door

As a garage door maintenance policy, it is advisable to carry out pre-lubrication tasks starting the garage door lubrication process. Before applying lubricant on any parts of your garage door, the following actions should be carried out:

1. Inspect your garage door rollers

Before applying garage door lubricants, you should inspect your garage door rollers. Most garage door rollers come with unsealed bearings for dirt collection. These rollers are susceptible to wear after prolonged use.  Break down of your garage door rollers may cause it to wobble around the tracks which the sound you hear when is trying to open a poorly lubricated garage door.

2. Tighten the chain of the garage door opener

If the chain around your garage door opener is loosed, it may produce slapping sounds that may cause your garage door to jerk. Before you apply garage door lubricants, endeavor to tighten the opener chain.

3. Inspect your garage door hinges

The hinges of your garage door if worn out can cause your garage door to produce noise. It can also cause your garage door to malfunction when opening.

How to Carry Out Garage Door Lubrication

Garage door installation is a significant part of garage door maintenance. We have highlighted the garage door parts that should be considered for lubrication. We have also listed those steps that you should take before lubricating your garage door.

Not sure how you can effectively lubricate your garage door? Remember that the key is to be thorough and to also aim for the moving parts. Here is how to carry out garage door lubrication.

Processes Involved in Garage Door Lubrication

  • Ensure that your garage door is closed and make sure that that power to the garage door opener is turned off.
  • Clean the outside and inside of your garage door tracks by using a damp rag. Ensure that you wipe off debris and dirt from the tracks. Do not lubricate the tracks because it may prevent the free movement of the rollers. Lubricating the tracks can also cause your garage door opener not to function properly. If you have issues with cleaning the tracks, you may apply automotive break cleaner to enable you lose the grime.
  • Open your garage door and ensure that each of the hinges is well lubricated at the place of contact with the bend of your garage door track.
  • Lubricate the rollers thoroughly. Ensure that the tiny ball bearings inside each garage door roller are well lubricated. You should remember to clean excess garage door lubricants as this will prevent your garage door from being unbalanced. It is advisable not to lubricate garage door nylon rollers to prevent decomposition of the rollers.
  • Lubricate the bearing plates and torsion springs of your garage and ensure that the garage door lubricant is spread evenly by opening and closing the door.
  • Do not forget to also lubricate large amber and the lock keyhole located at the top of your garage door to improve the convenience of locking the door manually.
  • It is also advisable to lubricate the top of your garage door rail. You can make use of a rag to evenly spread the grease around the region. You may not have to grease the chain because it is designed with its natural lubricant.

How Often Should You Carry Out Garage Door Lubrication?

The frequency of garage door lubrication depends on the type of garage door. Some garage door types or models require lubrication once every three months. Timely garage door lubrication can help prevent frequent garage door repairs irrespective of the expertise used during the garage door installation stage.

Apart from the time allotted for applying garage door lubricants to the moving parts of your garage door, carry out lubrication when you notice a screeching or grinding sound. If you also notice that the mechanism driving your garage door is malfunctioning, you should consider carrying out garage door lubrication.

Bear in mind that your garage door has several parts working together to ensure it operates efficiently. As these parts continue to work, they tend to grind against themselves which may lead to friction. During winter, garage door parts expand and contracts and this may also cause friction.

When carrying out garage door installation, also have it in mind that you will need to frequently maintain your garage door for it to continually work perfectly. You can prevent the shearing and grating of garage door parts by regularly lubricating your garage doors.

What is the Best Lubricant for Your Garage Door

To grease a garage door, you must first have a good garage door lubricant. When shopping for garage door lubricants, you may consider white lithium grease or silicone sprays. If you would be injecting a garage door lubricant into other smaller moving parts, then you should consider using aerosol sprays. Also consider using a product that can withstand different temperatures because low temperatures may cause some lubricants to be vicious and thick, thus preventing your garage door from working perfectly.

Let’s look at each of these two garage door lubricants:

Silicone Sprays

Silicone sprays have a thin and long straw attachment that helps to contain the spray. These attachments help to get the spray into tiny spaces. Silicon sprays can be used in over different temperatures.

White Lithium Grease

Lithium grease is applied by hand and may not be as tidy as aerosol sprays. Aside this, lithium spray is easy to distribute evenly and ensure proper lubrication. It is made of oil and soap which makes it non-corrosive. The white lithium grease adheres very well to metal parts.

Can You Use WD-40 to Carry Out Garage Door Lubrication?

Garage door installation experts advise that you should avoid using WD40 to carry out garage door lubrication. WD40 consists of carbon dioxide, mineral oil and mineral spirits. These components are not very effective in lubricating garage door parts because of the weight of the metal parts.

While WD40 may be used as a household lubricant such as on an indoor squeaky door, it should not be used for lubrication garage doors. Garage door installation experts have also warned that WD40 is susceptible to dust and dirt buildup. The mineral oil component in WD40 cannot effectively lubricate garage door metal parts, yet it may expose your garage door to dirt.

Apart from WD40, you should also avoid using other standard degreasers like engine oil and mechanic’s grease as these are less potent for garage door installation and may affect the performance of your garage door instead of enhancing it.